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1207, 2024

The Impact of Raw Material Prices on the Food Additives Market

The dance of raw material prices is like a powerful force that shapes the landscape of the food additives market. When raw material prices soar, it's like a storm hitting our industry. Manufacturers face a tough challenge as their production [...]

1806, 2024

Analysis of the reasons for the crazy rise in airline prices

Supply and demand imbalance: Fluctuations in shipping prices are closely related to the global economic situation, and with the global economic recovery and trade growth, shipping demand continues to grow. However, due to long ship construction cycles, high input costs, [...]

3005, 2024

Lactic Acid : Leading the Way in Sustainable and High-Quality Production

Characteristics of Lactic Acid Products: Lactic acid is a naturally occurring organic acid with the chemical formula C3H6O3. It is produced through the fermentation of carbohydrates by lactic acid bacteria. The key characteristics of lactic acid products include: Natural [...]

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